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Devilmon priorities


December 24th 2020

As the title states, I will attempt to guide you where you should be using your devilmon's starting off as you don't have many to play around with.

  1. The most important monster to devilmon is 2A Gorgo, you need his passive to be max skilled for optimal cc.

  2. Jeanne would be next on the list as she really needs those skill ups to shine and progress you further in all aspects of the games.

  3. 2A Kro would take the cake next since he will be your main damage dealer literally everywhere, so every ounce of damage boost is really appreciated!

  4. Now, here, you can choose to skill up Eirgar faster by using devilmons on him or you can be patient and wait to summon vampires with scrolls and buying vampire pieces from guild shop. Neither choice is better than the other but in my opinion, he shines best when max skilled so I know I spent devilmons on him so that his s2 and s3 were maxxed sooner.

  5. Veromos would be next as his s2 needs to be max skilled to be at his max potential.

  6. Elsharion is next, although he is a vital part of a lot of teams, he completely works fine unskilled and does his job all the same. However, it is nice getting that s2 skilled up soyou have a defense break 1 turn sooner and a small damage bonus.

  7. I would say 2A Belladeon would be next in line as she is also useful everywhere and every ounce of extra healing definitely helps!

  8. Now this list is just my suggestions, assuming your not pulling any Nat 4s or Nat 5s that don't take priority over them. There are many that would take priority, just use devilmons wisely at first as it may directly affect your progression speed.

That's about it for where I would use my devilmons initially. I hope this helps!


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