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General tips and tricks

December 3rd 2020


Im going to try to use the same monsters over and over for examples to try to simplify things here.


  • Did you know that monsters like Kro’s S2 and Homu’s S3 (Rock on) that team up with other monsters reduce the monsters cooldowns they teamed up with by 1? So let's say Fran moves first and uses S3 and buffs everyone, now she has a 4 turn cooldown. Now its Kro’s turn right after, he uses S2 and teams up with Fran, now without actually taking her turn, her cooldown is down by 1, now only 3 turns. Homu moves next next, she uses her rock on skill and teams up with Fran and Kro, now without even having a second turn, Fran’s S3 is now only 2 turn cool down and even Kro’s team up skill is now reduced by 1 as well. Now imagine violent procs on top of team up skills. The turn cycling potential is insane increasing damage output significantly on average.


  • Every monster has “skill ups” that they need. Sometimes when you skill up a skill, one of the perks is +10% recovery to a skill that heals. Let’s use Belladeon as an example. Her S3 heals 30% of total HP. She can skill up that skill 3 times. 1st and 2nd skill ups are +10% Recovery each and last skill up is reducing the cooldown by 1. Okay, so, it is NOT 50% recovery of monsters HP once max skilled. It is +10% recovery OF the 30% HP heal. So, with both skill ups its a total of +20% recovery OF the 30% HP. So the actual healing bonus is a whooping +6% more healing for a total healing of 36% of total HP. 


  • Don't waste mana on flat stat runes in slot 2/4/6, your wasting your time and mana and IF it ends up rolling well into speed as an example, every time you use that rune you will cringe in the end. Just remember, oblivion is bliss, if you don’t know what that rune rolled, you will be ok and it will only hurt for a moment to sell... You will thank me in the end eventually.


  • When a monster is stunned, frozen OR slept, their cooldowns do not decrease. So, let's say Fran uses S2 (2 turn cool down skill), so normally, she would take 1 turn with the skill on cooldown and could use it again the turn after that. So if she uses the skill, then gets frozen, on her next turn she will unfreeze but her cool down will STILL be 2 turns kind of like she never took a turn.

  • Make sure to 6* monsters based on what skill sets your next goals needs for quick progression, not what's cool or rare as tempting as it can be. Even a Nat 5 can be useless on certain accounts if they aren't even mid game yet.

  • Here is my list of monsters to 2A first: Gorgo, Kro, Bella, Miho, Eshir, Jultan, Shamann, Xiao Ling, Camaryn, Varus, Lusha, Neal, Sorin then Cheryl. Organized in most useful OVERALL to least useful.

  • When runeing units, think about where you are using them and who they are being used with. Who needs to have the first turn? Who needs to have the last turn? Is there a stripper that needs to be in between the two? Etc... Rune teams, not units, in every aspect of the game. Things will run smoother overall if you think this way.

  • Don't spread runes thin early on, consolidate best runes on most used monsters overall for best progression. Example: You can use Fran, Kro, Loren, 2A Gorgo, Jeanne, Elsharion, Bella and you can probably complete 80% of the game at least with those 7 monsters. If ALL your best runes are focused on them, you will progress faster than if you spread some of your good runes to others monsters not on that list.

  • It's OKAY to not do great in PvP starting off. Focus on the PvE content first then worry about PvP later when you have a much wider foundation of rune depth.

  • The optimal damage output for damage dealer ratio (not including crit rate whatsoever) is 1 CD to 10 ATT, 10 CD to 100 ATT, 100 CD to 1000 ATT, 200 CD to 2000 ATT. Make sense? So if your Kro has 1880 attack power total, his most optimal crit damage ratio would be 188 crit damage. Let me explain in a different way. If you have Kro A at 2500 attack power and 150 crit damage then you have Kro B at 2000 attack power and 200 crit damage, who do you think will do more damage? Kro B by quite a bit.

  • There are attack speed breakpoints that you need to hit to get the most turns possible. The way attack bars work is that you need a certain amount of tick (yes there are attack bar "ticks") to reach 100% attack bar, if you meet each one of these breakpoints, you require 1 less tick each time. The speeds are 159, 179, 205, 239, 286, 358, 477 total speed. It's complicated but your att bar can go past 100%, even though you can't see it. If two monsters reach 100% on the same tick, the one whose att bar is furthest past 100% will go first. This means that the others who are already at 100%+ will have to wait to go one at a time. The bottom line is that mons who reach 100% att bar on the same tick will get sorted from fastest to slowest, so basically the fast one will gain one tick times the number of mons it tied with. Long story short, reach those speeds with all your monsters if you can. Those speeds are WITH glory towers and speed leaders. Mostly only relevant if you are using an attack bar booster.

  • Higher base speed mons move first if total speed is equal since they benefit more from % speed leaders and % speed totem. IF the 2 monsters are equal speed even after leader skill and totem THEN the monster on the LEFT in the lineup will move first.

  • If your rune quality is just under what you need to run B12 dungeons then it's a really good idea to consolidate your runes as good as you can and make a super runed B12 team and just farm it for one month as hard as you can then reassess the next FRR. If you need another month for more run quality, so be it but if your average rune quality has gone up then you can start sparing runes and focusing more content.

  • Don't focus as much on the rune sets when in beginner - mid game. Think of it more as stat requirements. Example: If you need +147 speed on a monster, but all your fast swift runes are taken up and the best you have available is +121. However, if your hunt for just fast runes of any kind and turns out you found +150 but with all different kinds of rune sets, is it not worth it? The answer is yes.

  • Early on, when you are buying Fran and Cassie from ancient shop with ancient coins, save guild points to buy almighty scrolls to save 20 pieces from each to save yourself coins in the end. You cannot get Elsharion and Eirgar fast enough, they are very good for L/D only accounts. I would get Fran first, then Elsharion, then Eirgar and finally Cassie in that priority order.

  • Do not ignore TOA, it has a lot of good rewards that really add up and TOA is not as hard as some think. You can get very far with farmable F2P mons. 

  • Fuse Jeanne ASAP, she is a goddess. Veromos very good as well but Jeanne takes priority overall.

  • Don't spend your crystals on anything but energy refills but buy the crystal making buildings asap.

  • Don't feed your 1* monsters, level them up and evolve them to 2* and so on so forth.

  • Focus on your challenges for quick resources and progression.

  • Start an L/D account on a Friday so that you have access to all the SD's right away.

  • Buy all the 2* silver monsters from the shop, they are cheap and speed up progress. If you have excess mana somehow and are motivated, buy ALL the 2* monsters.

  • Play the long game, set routines, be in a guild with people you enjoy being with.

  • Use World Arena section to pretend free rune removal to be ready for actual FRR.

December 10th 2020

  • Do your rivals everyday as they become available! Don't ignore these, they are a good source of xtals over time.

  • When Tartarus is dead, don't ignore your lanterns! Lab rewards are better than R5 if you are playing on hard or hell, if you are playing on normal then they are roughly equivalent but the point is, lab is fairly easy content once you are established and a lot of people will ignore lanterns but then go do R5... missing out on good grinds and gems bigtime daily and not to mention runes. Also later on, you need specific gems and grinds for specific rune types and in lab you get to pick between 3 types so there's a way better chance to get what you need than raid.

  • Do your daily missions everyday! Figure out a routine that works for you, it takes like 10-15 min a day and you gain a lot for how much time it takes.

  • Don't let Dimension Hole energy go to waste. The best runes in the game drop from there and letting that energy stay at 100/100 is missing out on huge potential upgrades. Find one of the bosses in there that you can farm with a good success rate and just go use 12 dhole energy a day there minimum. It recharges 1 energy every 2 hours, 12 energy a day.

  • Make completing your challenges and certain achievements a priority as they give great rewards! Reaching Elite status in achievements gives an ld scroll as well.

  • Once you can complete trial of ascension hard mode every month then I would start thinking of buying premium pack 2 (the pack with ld scroll and 7 elemental scrolls). Before that, unless you are buying xtals, you will find it is not very worth it since it will eat up all your refill xtals.

  • Purchase/ built the xtal mine, xtal giant and xtal dragon ASAP as they take months to pay themselves off but VERY worth it in the end if you play long term.

  • Buy all the 2* monsters from shop as they are good food to make more 6* monsters and you WILL run out of food if you are active and progress daily. Once you have mastered all PvE content on hardest difficulty, then you can think about stopping.

  • Shop refreshed (Not the guild shop) are NOT an efficient way to look for ld pieces.

  • Set up your building layouts logically on your islands. Put all your "collect" towers together so that every time you log on or go check you can just collect them all and there's low to no chance of missing anything vs having to chase around your island looking for collects. In the long run it saves time and seconds turn into minutes turn into hours over a long period.

  • Budget your play time logically. When you are able to focus and play, do all the manual content and save the auto stuff for when you are busy IRL and can still IRL with game auto farming in the background. Just good time management really.

  • You should be farming arena every week until all your towers are maxor close to max, then you can try pushing for rank. When i say farming arena, I mean, set 1 monster AD and hit easy target on offence, then revenge your easy target that revenged you for the entire week. 24 hours before arena closure, set your strongest defense and try to reach as high rank as you can for maximum xtal return. 

  • Early on, once you can CLEAVE F1+ arena, it is a good idea to farm arena for a few days to speed level up your glory towers for those extra permanent stats. So, you cleave as high rank as you can until you don't see and easy targets anymore, then you purposely lose as quickly as you can back down to F1 just before falling back into challenger, then repeat!

  • Go to event > game guide > Tartarus labyrinth, they give a free immemorial hero gem and grind.

       In that same game guide section they give free 20 dimension hole energy refund.

  • More trips and tricks to come in the future!


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