Glory points
December 10th 2020
Here are some pointers on how you should be using your glory points as L/D only.
When starting off, it's not very quick to get glory points so it's nice to have a bit of an idea where to spend them. Let's start with what you should NOT be buying:
Never buy unknown scrolls
Never buy mystical scrolls
Never buy any elemental scrolls
Never buy random angelmons (this one probably the BIGGEST rip off)
Do NOT buy water/ wind and fire sanctuary towers, as they are useless to us.
Do NOT buy Light and Dark scroll pieces UNTIL you can CLEAVE fighter rank minimum that way you can farm the glory points if you need to easily.
That's it for the do not's!
Now let's go over what you SHOULD buy and when:
Every week, starting day 1, buy your devilmon! This is number 1 priority.
Once you can cleave fighter rank then you can farm fighter rank efficiently so, you should start buying L/D pieces every week as L/D monsters are what we use. They are too expensive prior to that and you need to level your towers more for the extra stats for progression.
I recommend leveling the sanctum of energy to max asap as it increases your max energy and as we all know, energy = mats/ runes/ mana etc... progression. In the long run it is well worth it and this is a long run type of game. Also, you need to max this at some point as one of the games challenges for rewards and to proceed to the next challenge.
Next, with the same long game logic, level the Mysterious plant to max as energy production speed is highly important now that max energy is 190.
Now, I recommend buying all the remaining towers so you have them all lvl 1 minus the elemental towers that do nothing for us.
It's important now to be careful where you spend as it's going to start taking longer to level them as they require more glory each level. Level the Speed, critical damage, HP, DEF, ATT, Light ATT and Dark ATT all to level 2 one by one, then all to lvl 3 one by one, then finally to level 4 one by one.
Next, you can choose to ether level up to max the Fairy tree and mana fountain as they do give some mana over time every day and it does add up in the long run OR just focus on the stat towers that actually help you get to farming b12 dungeons etc.. faster. IMO I would skip the mana towers for now until you can at LEAST farm GB12, then at least your farming end game content while your in limbo a bit levelling those two mana towers.
Let's say your now ready to level up all the stat towers from level 4. Keep in mind this is my own opinion and my own experiences, ether way with enough time you will get them all to max. I will state in priority order which to do first.
Max speed tower to level 10. Speed is king. Yes, this takes patience but I promise you will not regret it.
Max critical damage tower to level 10. Critical damage scales well and burst wins battles, plus it is a surprisingly cheap tower to max!
Max defense tower to level 10. Parts of the game require monsters to have a certain amount of defense so they don't get steam rolled, so naturally, for PvE it makes sense to max this one first.
Max health points tower to level 10. It's better to have a monster hit a bit less hard and have a second turn than a dead monster that hits like a truck that never see's a 2nd turn.
Max general attack power tower to lvl 10. Yes, I know you have been waiting to max this one so you can start seeing those big damage numbers!
Max the Light attack power tower to level 10 before the dark tower as there are more F2P light monsters available and overall will benefit you more.
Max the dark attack power tower to level 10.
If you haven't already, max the Fairy tree tower to level 10.
Max the Mana fountain tower to level 10.
Now max the Arcane booster tower to level 10.
Finally, max the crystal rock tower to level 10.
That concludes my advice on what towers you should be levelling first and why.