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Guild points


December 17th 2020


Here are some pointers on how you should be using your guild points as L/D only.


When starting off, it's not very quick to get guild points so it's nice to have a bit of an idea where to spend them. Let's start with what you should NOT be buying:


  • Do not buy the legendary rune chests until you have maxxed all flags.

  • Do not buy the mysterious rune chests, ever, not worth it.

  • Do not buy the entrance auras till all flags maxxed.

  • Do not buy the mystical or elemental scrolls ever, as they are just food for us.

  • Do not buy super angelmons unless all flags are maxxed.

  • Do not buy summoning stones as its just food for us.

  • Do not buy legendary pieces as they are just food for us.

  • Do not buy cowgirl pieces as they are just skillups for light/ dark cowgirl which you can just farm light cowgirl sd for.

  • Do not buy fusion mons unless your ready to fuse but just missing that one monster that you can buy with guild points.

  • Do not buy ifrit pieces, they take so many guild points and only become a devilmon equivalent for Veromos and Elsharion which both those monsters work great even without powerups but besides the fact you will eventually be swimming in devilmons as L/D only.


Now onto what you should be buying!


  • Buy the guild magic shop asap to gain access to all the guild goodies. You should be buying all the 4* monster pieces until end game where you may have enough summoned nat 4's in storage to max skill anyone.

  • 5* rainbowmon, every week, gotta get them 6* mons asap!

  • Almighty scrolls are good to buy when you know there's a HoH coming of a monster you want duplicates of you need a lot of skill ups.

  • Buy your L/D pieces each week, you get a lot more gp than glory points so you can afford to still buy these and still buy flags as you go.

  • Buy the flags, these are expensive and take a longtime to max but they win games and gives you your max potential. I would level them one by one until level 5 ish then max the CD flag first, then the HP flag then the attack power flag then finally the defense flag.

  • Once your flags are maxxed, i recommend resetting guild shop as much as possible when there is nothing good in there. I would then buy the entrance aura's if you want to. Finally, if you really have a lot of extra points, dump them into legendary rune box.


That about sums up a quick guide to glory point usage as L/D only! 




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