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Miscellaneous effects 

January 9th 2021

Ever wonder what certain effects actually mean or do EXACTLY? Wonder no more, I will try to touch base on a wide variety of information right here! Look no further. NOTE: TOTAL means total runed, leaders, glory towers and guild buffs/flags stats.

Beneficial effects:

  • Critical buff = +30% flat critical rate

  • Attack buff = +50% total attack power (Skills/effects that scale with attack deal 50% more damage)

  • Speed buff = +30% total speed (attack bar moves 30% faster and speed based skills do more damage)

  • Defense buff = +70% total defense (Skills/effects that scale with defense deal 70% more damage and all incoming damage reduced by 30%)

  • Critical resist buff = reduce the chance of the attacker getting a critical hit on you by 50% of what their critical rate is

  • Immunity = prevents any harmful effects from being applied on the unit including attack bar reduction but NOT attack bar ratio manipulation

  • Invincibility = reduces any damage taken to 0 but can still have hp ratio manipulated

  • Recovery = recovers target hp by 15% of total hp upon reaching a turn

  • Defend = the caster of this skill will take 50% of the damage instead of the attacked ally and the attacked ally will receive 0 damage but armful effects may still be applied

  • Vampire buff = 20% of damage done will heal the attacker, stacks with vampire runes

  • Reflect damage = attacker receives 30% of damage dealt back at them upon attacking

  • Shield buff / shield runes = absorbs a certain amount of any kind of damage from being taken

  • Soul protection = if the unit is killed with this effect active they are resurrected with 30% total hp immediately

  • Counter = counter attacks when stuck with S1 at 75% power, does not count as a turn nor reduces skills cool down or activate any end of turn effects like violent rune proc

  • Endure = prevents hp from going below 1

  • Threat = forces the whole enemy team to attack the unit under threat state for a set amount of attack skills but allies can still be hit by AOE effects

Harmful effects:


  • ​Stun = you miss turns when your stunned and skill cool downs do not reduce by 1 turn.

  • Freeze = you miss turns when your frozen and skill cool downs do not reduce by 1 turn.

  • Sleep = you miss turns when your slept and skill cool downs do not reduce by 1 turn. Woken up if hit. Continuous damage will wake the target but the target will still lose the turn

  • Glancing hit = +50% chance of attacker to glancing hit (glancing hits cannot critical hit or apply harmful effects including attack bar reduction and deal 30% less damage)

  • Defense Break = -70% total defense (increased damage taken from skills/ effects that don't ignore armor by 70%)

  • Attack Break =  -50% total attack power (decreasing damage done by skills/ effects scaling with attack power by 50%)

  • Speed Break = -30% total speed (attack bar will fill 30% slower and speed based skills do less damage)

  • Continuous damage = 5% of total health depleted per turn taken

  • Unrecoverable = prevents being healed but does not prevent hp ratio manipulation

  • Bomb = deals damage based on appliers attack power and receives a stun upon activation

  • Provoke = forced to attack the applier with S1, removed if applier is killed

  • Beneficial effects block = Prevents any buffs to be applied but can still receive attack bar increasing effects

  • Silence = prevents any skill from being used that have a cool time for a set amount of turns

  • Brand = a unit with brand on them will take 25% more damage from all sources except continuous damage ticks

  • Oblivion = prevents any passive skill from working during the time oblivion is applied

  • Anti cleanse debuff = Block any skill that would normally remove harmful effects only once

Other effects:

  • Elemental advantage = gain 15% more critical rate and none critical hits have a chance to land as crushing hits

  • Crushing hit = deal 30% more damage

  • Elemental disadvantage = you have a 50% chance that your attack will land as glancing hit and your critical rate is reduced by 15%

  • Glancing hits = glancing hits cannot critical hit or apply harmful effects including attack bar reduction and deal 30% less damage

I think that's about it! Hopefully you learned a thing or two!


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