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Punishers Crypt Formula


If you are choosing to follow this basic guide, that means you already have a deep understanding of how punishers crypt dungeon works and just want the stat requirements needed to do Punishers Crypt B12 safely.

General stat requirements:

To be put simply, you want your dark tank to be able to take a hit from at least 3 towers and survive, everyone else, assuming they are all light monster, will not take any damage except from aoe attacks. In any case, these are the stats you should have at the BARE minimum for Steel Fortress B10 for things to go well. Keep in mind these calculations are WITH MAX glory towers / MAX guild bonuses but NO leader skills.

  • Dark tank needs 25k+ Health Points (If you have more HP then this then you can have a bit less defense).

  • Other units need 17000 Health points (If you have more HP then this then you can have a bit less defense).

  • 1000 Defense (If you have more defense than this then you can have a bit less hp).

  • ​170 Speed (To ensure you get a turn before the 169 speed enemy monsters).

  • ​29% Accuracy needed on monsters that apply (for all the monsters applying dots or strips). Not sure why the developers made the accuracy needed so much lower than other dungeons but just take it! :P

Due to popular demand, I also have rough calculations on required stats WITHOUT ANY towers / guild bonuses or leader skills.

  • Dark tank needs 28k+ (Depends how high the monsters base Health points are)

  • Other units need 19500 - 21500 Health points (Depends how high the monsters base Health points are)

  • 1200 - 1350 Defense (Depends how high the monsters base defense is)

  • 185 - 195 Speed (Depends how high the monsters base speed is)

  • Note: These calculations are without a leader skill as calculating all leader skill potentials would take forever. So if you just can't match the health points requirement then use a HP leader to close the gap as an example.

If all your towers and guild bonuses are about half way then you need about half way in between the two stat requirements I previously mentioned. The most  important thing is that all your monsters move before any of the enemies. 

Yup, those are the only stats you really need to know for now. Obviously, your support units and healers are at least this tanky but probably tankier by the time you are ready for B10. Your damage dealers however, are a bit more tricky to rune since you want to squeeze every ounce of damage stats in as you can. SO, for damage dealers, meet the above requirements then everything else is damage stats! IF you just cant seem to get those tankier stats on your damage dealers, consider using an HP/ Def leader, having a unit on shield runes or equipping artifacts that have a minus light damage reduction sub stat. IF you have just tried everything and it just seems a bit out of your league, I recommend staying in B9 a bit longer till you find a few more rune upgrades on your current team as the stat requirements (including speed for trash only) are roughly 10%- 15% less overall). Damage dealers should have at least 1500 Attack/Defense, 70% crit rate and 150% crit damage at the bare minimum. 

Basic Guide Summary

Just to summarize the dungeon, you need 4 light monsters and 1 dark tank monster with tanky stats and S1 that applies continuous damage with revenge runes. The more monsters you have on the team that apply dots the better. It's very important to rid the left tower ASAP before bothering to kill boss for consistency. Do not bring any monsters that manipulate attack bar at all. Fran might be the only exception since her kit is so good so it makes up for it. Once the boss gets 20 turns, your basically dead so there is kind of a timer on this fight so keep that in mind. GL!


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