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Weekly crafts and buyouts


December 24th 2020


Here is a quick guide to what you should be buying and crafting every single week as L/D only. Some of these are progression reliant of course but once you are in the right progression phase then it applies to you.


Weekly crafts:


  • Craft your reappraisal stones x3, can't stress this enough, end game it comes to a point where you a only getting MAYBE 1 rune upgrade a week if not a month and your just at the mercy of reapps. (You need to be able to A+ all rifts before it's worth doing this)

  • Craft your Ancient reappraisal stones x2, once again, these are just GOLD, potential best rune in the game with every reapp. You need to farm your dhole to get the mats tho. Don't let dhole energy just pile up and go to waste for the love of god.

  • Engraved conversion stones are worth crafting IF you have both light AND dark of a unit and they are both max skilled. Then and only then is it worth sacrificing a nat 4 for this. Even still, once you do sacrifice, you still need to get lucky and get the monster TYPE conversion versus the element. Example: If you sacrifice Lushen, you have a 50% chance to get an attack type conversion stone or a 50% chance to get a wind conversion stone.

  • When you can farm A+ or higher on all beasts, it IS worth crafting the Legendary Magic Box x2 every single week. It is important to capitalize anywhere that has potential for ld pieces or scrolls. Skipping this is like skipping world boss... silly gooses.


Weekly buyouts:


  • Devilmon with glory points, NEVER skip this.

  • LD pieces with glory points (only once you can easily farm glory)

  • Shapeshifting stones from world arena (Only once you can start winning games in challenger rank or higher on a regular basis)

  • 5* rainbowmon with guild points, gotta keep making them 6* mons!

  • Ld pieces with guild points, need ma ld nat 5 please.


That is about it! Feel free to refer to this checklist anytime to see if you got everything every week! May the rng gods ever be in your favour!



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